Your Body Knows: How To Notice Your Body’s Messages

The power of our minds is undeniable. Logic, rationalisation and, frankly, common sense are virtues that keep society together and what allows us to experience life to the fullest. 

But, the narrative woven into western culture has seemed to forget to teach a lot of us about the power held in our own bodies. Rather, it seems over time we have all become more and more distant from the wisdom held in our sacred bodies. 

My passion is about helping womxn reignite their spark for life and heal from the wreckage of burnout. In my program the Pomegranate Collective™, we do a tremendous amount of deep work to make these shifts, and a lot of them have to do with reconnecting with the body. 

Here’s the thing: Your body will do what you force it to do. 

You will get out of bed when you are tired. You will write that last email even though you can't think straight. You will work on that project even when you are not in your creative mode.

And as you continue in this pattern, you only experience more and more disconnection to your body.

At this point, Your body may begin to rebel if it senses you've swayed too far from your truest self.

When you keep saying “yes” to opportunities  you know in your bones aren’t actually meant for you, or  keep pushing yourself beyond your energetic limits -- it is only a matter of time that you will start hearing a cry for help from your body. 

It’s as if your body asks, "When are you going to start listening to me?” 

Through messages like adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalance, rashes, growths, or even cancer, your body loves you enough to communicate its desire to be consciously connected to your heart and awareness. 

The question is: are you going to listen? 

So, let’s take a pause. What has your body been trying to tell you lately?  Are you exhausted? Anxious? Noticing changes that just don’t seem right? 

Your body is desperate for you to know something because your body wants the best for you. 

I want you to try something this week. Every day I want you to check-in with your body. To listen to the subtle and less-than-subtle messages you are receiving. 

Ask yourself: What is it saying? How is it saying it? Is it telling you to rest because you are exhausted? Is it telling you 'no' when your mouth says 'yes'?

Give it a try! Then begin to experience a new depth of living like never before.


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