Imposter Syndrome Got You Down? Here Is The #1 Tool You Need To Overcome It

It seems like wherever you look you hear people talking about some form of imposter syndrome.

From your social media feed, chatting with your colleagues or peers, or when you Google ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and about a zillion articles come up, imposter syndrome seems to be a thing. But, while you hear about imposter syndrome everywhere, you still haven’t figured out a way that actually works to overcome your case of imposter syndrome.

Like many ambitious and high-achieving womxn, you are used to tackling a problem head on.

You don’t shy away from doing the hard work, but you are freakin’ busy building your business and keeping on top of your career. You don’t have time to think about it, meditate on it, read about it, or take a class on it. 

You just need the quick and easy solution so that you can move on.

The simple trick to overcome your imposter syndrome lies in what I refer to as your inner critic.

Let me explain. You have an ego. We all have egos. Our ego is there to protect us and keep us safe - what that really means is that your ego exists to keep you comfortable. Any time anything is perceived as new, different, or unexpected, your body responds with a little bit of anxiety and fear (because, it doesn’t like to be uncomfortable as whatever is triggering the anxiety and fear may lead to danger). 

Your ego and fear are not inherently bad. They serve you well in many ways. When it comes to decisions, self-worth, and confidence, that is when your ego and fear mutate into what I call your inner critic. 

You know that voice in your head that tells you that you aren’t good enough, strong enough, smart enough, capable enough...X enough? It is the same voice that tells you that you are too much, too intense, too passionate, too controlling, too serious, too X.

Interestingly enough, it’s that same exact voice that reminds you that you really shouldn’t ask for more, stand up for yourself, speak your truth or say yes when you really want to say no. This voice is your inner critic. It is negative, harsh, and hurtful. It keeps you playing small.

While you may think your inner critic is there to serve you as the voice of reason, it is actually there to keep you psychologically safe and away from changing situations.

But you ask, “Isn’t it logical to keep my job in the middle of a pandemic? Isn’t it logical to delay investments of time and money in my business when we don’t know what will happen to the economy or if my business will take off? Shouldn’t I just accept what “is” for right now because everything is so unstable? (Do you see how tricky your inner critic can be?) Am I even smart enough to do this job or business?

“When we direct a lot of hostile energy toward the inner critic, we enter into a losing battle.”


Here’s the thing. Your inner critic will come up all of the time, especially if you are an entrepreneur. (Entrepreneurship is a crash course in self-development every day!).

Here is 3 step process for how you can quickly overcome imposter syndrome through your inner critic.

Step 1:

Be aware of your inner critic. Know that your inner critic exists but it is not you. It’s your ego trying to keep you psychologically safe. Congrats - you’ve already completed step 1!

Step 2:

Acknowledge your inner critic. Your inner critic keeps you safe and that’s important. Your inner critic will always be your ride or die. So, get to know your inner critic. Some of my clients even name their inner critic. Thank you inner critic for trying to keep you safe and let it get in the passenger seat, while you take over the steering wheel again. Without acknowledgment, your inner critic will run rampant. Acknowledge it because your inner critic is also a part of you. Don’t banish or shame a part of yourself. Just remind it that you are ready to take the steering wheel now.

Step 3:

Choose to step into your greatness. Now that you have become aware of your inner critic and acknowledged it, you are ready to step into your greatness. Without fear constantly ringing in your ears, you actually can do hard things or things that feel scary (a la Glennon Doyle). You can choose the best option that serves your greatest vision for yourself. You can choose to play big. You can step into your greatness in life and business without imposter syndrome constantly knocking at your door.

While taking these steps to become aware of your inner critic, acknowledge your inner critic and step into your greatness are the key to overcoming imposter syndrome it will come back up. Imposter syndrome or fear should never be gone because, if they are, you have built a padded bubble for yourself free from risks or challenges. That will not help grow you in any capacity in your life or business. Instead, you have to build resilience and confidence. You have to know that imposter syndrome and fear will arise throughout your life in a variety of ways at different times and your job is to follow the steps. With time and practice, you will move through the steps quickly building your awareness of yourself, resilience, and confidence. 

Remember, the goal is not to be perfect. The goal is not to be omnipotent. The goal is not to be in control at all times. The goal is to be resilient. The goal is to be confident enough to pivot. The goal is to keep your authentic self at the center of your decisions, even when your inner critic starts making noise. By knowing your inner critic and seeing it separate from yourself, you can do just that!


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